Valentyn Prodaievych
born January 11, 1960, in Ovidiopol, U.S.S.R
Is a Ukrainian public figure, politician, lawyer, journalist and writer
He was Chairman of the Economic Court of Odesa region from July 15, 2002
till October 2011. He is the founder of the all-Ukrainian patriotic portal Ukridea.
Valentin Prodaievych is an author of severalbooks dedicated to the history of Ukrainian town Odesa and has made notablehistorical contributions to a number of publications where he investigates thecomplex history of the legendary city.
Prodajevitch offers new insights to the reader’s perception of their belovedOdessa in the two-volume book
Legends and True Stories of Alexander Park thathe cowrote with Aleksandr Surilov. While written in a literary and a detectivestyle, the book takes the reader through significant historical events of the cityas well as its familiar landmarks. The author has collaborated on a historicalillustrated album «Bombardment of Odesa in 1854» which is dedicated to the events of the Eastern Crimean War, highlighting the attack of the Anglo-FrenchArmada on the Russian port of Odesa.
Prodaievych gained the qualifications to practice law after studying at the Odesa I.I Mechnikov National University , from 1978 to 1983. He later earned aMaster’s Degree in Public Governance, specializing in Law, at the sameinstitution.
In 2007, he defended the Candidate’s thesis in Jurisprudence
. Specialty: Theoryof Management, Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law; InformationLaw. Topic «
Place of Administrative Responsibility in the System of Administrativeand Law Enforcement Measures».
He graduated from the Seminary at Holy Dormition, Kiev Pechersk Lavra, in2010.
Prodaievych graduated from Ovidiopol secondary school in 1977 and started hislabor activities as the
Locksmith at Ovidiopol Combine of Municipal Enterprises.After graduating from Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University he worked as anInvestigator for the Department of Internal Affairs of Odesa by assignmentduring a period 1983 to 1987.
1987 to 1988 – Engineer
at ATP-25102 in Odesa.
1988 to 1993 – Lawyer at Inkom Small Private Enterprise of Odesa Factory ofNonwoven Materials.
1993 to 1997 – Head of Legal Department at Inkom Trans Service JointVenture in Odesa.
1997 to 1998 – Director of Delta LLC in Odesa.
In 1998 he was appointed to the position of the judge at the
arbitration courtof Odesa Oblast.
The Chairman of the Economic Court of Odessa region from 15.07.2002 toOctober 2011.
Thank you letter Valentyn Prodievychfrom UNESCO
In 1994, he was elected as a member of the Suvorovskyi District Council of Odesa
. Effective 2015, he is a member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine
. Currently he is the Editor of Public Control newspaper and Chairman ofthe Public Constitution Public Organization.
In 2016 (28 April), with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization (UNESCO) the Odesa Academic Theatre of MusicalComedy named after M. Vodyanoy hosted the concert «Dzhaziotatsiia «Ъ»,where V.A. Prodaievych was a patron and organizer of such concert. Thefollowing famous jazz performers took part in the concert : Nelly Manukyan(flute, Armenia, George Stavrolakis (timpani, Greece), Myroslav Piatnykov(trumpet), Oleh Subbotyn (saxophone), Alexis Tcholakian (piano, France),Stanislav Zilberman (percussion, Israel), Oleksii Petukhov (piano), Volodymyr Public activities Leonov (percussion), Serhii Terentiev (piano), Yevhen Khandyshko (trombone),Maksym Kondratiev (double bass) and Volodymyr Vakulovych (trumpet).
Since 2016, he is a founder and one of the leading experts of the all-Ukrainianpatriotic portal
From 2016, member of the Odesa-Richelie Rotary Club
The organizer of all-Ukrainian and international projects of Odesa-RichelieRotary Club.
From 2018, First Deputy Party Chairman of Ukrainian sea party.
From May 2019, mentor and lecturer at the Law College of the
NationalUniversity Odesa Law Academy
From February 2022, Head of Ukrainian Cultural Center of Florida
February 23 2022,
Odesa Orthodox, in Events and Faces of Epochs
Book I. Odesa:
Publishing house: VMV, 2010.
Legends and True Stories of Alexander Park
, Book I. Kyiv:
Published: Gorobets A.S., 2012.
Legends and True Stories of Alexander Park
, Book II. Kyiv:
Publisher Ltd. «National ratings in Ukraine»., 2012.
Odesa by V.Vakhrenov
, Book I.Odesa:
Publisher. «Falcon»., 2016.
Bombardment of Odesa in 1854
. Odesa:
Publisher. «Falcon»., 2016.
My insomnia
. Odesa:
Publisher. «Falcon»., 2018.
Valentyn Prodaievych

Amina Krasnorutska
Bi-lingual (Ukrainian/English, with knowledge of Russian and French) with a dual degree in Finance and Economics possessing excellent communication, analytical and technical skills.
Pace University – Lubin School of Business December 2023
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Finance
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics
Awards & Honors: 2020 Dean’s List, 2021 Dean’s List
Certificates: Bloomberg Market Concept’s (BMC), Yale University- Financial Markets
Leman Manhattan Preparatory High School, Financial District. 2015-2019
Atom Finance New York, NY
Operations Intern October 2022- December 2022
• Worked cross- functionally with several teams to forecast the completion and execution of bi-weekly all hands check.
• Supervised in creating and implementing a filling system to reduce workload by 30%.
• Maintained Fixed Assets to support with financial recognition.
• Administered the scheduling process and candidate management for recruitment.
Bridge 2 IPO New York, NY
Private Equity Marketer August 2022- October 2022
• Completed over 300 phone calls daily to accredited investors, with the initiative to provide the best investment opportunity in the public sector.
• Assisted with overall deal execution minimum of 20,000 dollars and excelled in effective relationship management.
• Conducted due diligence on private company, with future projections of going IPO.
Pace University New York, NY
Leader of Lubin School of Business February 2022- May 2022
• Developed a new method to strategize initiatives such as community on campus, budgeting, and assistance with business courses and career progression for undergrads.
• Created excellent financial impact with just a budget of $200 to coordinate six events for 30 students. Events facilitated networking and team building with current business leaders in the financial industry.
• Responded to immediate client inquires and managed ongoing client relationships.
Teatro Sea New York, NY
Marketing Intern September 2020- December 2020
• Led customer liaison relationship and planner of all invitations, event information email updating, and follow-up thank you letters for over 100 customers.
• Supervised communications with over 50 customers participating in Teatro Sea’s Arte Pa` Mi Gente 2020 Event to update on venue changes, dates, times, and locationsю
• Managed and tracked 100 members at Teatro Sea’s new effort to create customer loyalty program.
Technical: Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), R-studio.
Affiliations: Vice President of Workplace at Beta Alpha Psi.
Volunteer: Coordinator at Express Kindness Charity in Ukraine.
Amina Krasnorutska
vice president