Meet our ambassador Ivan Tarn

2 min read

The fighter-reconnaissance officer wounded near Bakhmut joined Ukrainian English-language media The Ukrainian Review

Ivan Tarn, a Belgian entrepreneur of Ukrainian origin, who came to the defense of the country at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Russian into Ukraine, has now joined the English-language Ukrainian online magazineThe Ukrainian Review.

A fighter of the unit of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine took part in fierce battles in Bakhnut and was wounded with the loss of part of a limb. But he found strength, recovered and now, after being wounded, is working on the information front of the great war.

"When I realized what was happening, I immediately decided for myself to go to war. I had no military experience specifically in Ukraine, so I didn't quite understand how it was happening. I saw huge queues at the military offices. First, I decided to find ammunition for myself, thanks to friends and Europe. I gathered everything I needed. At that time, I was already negotiating with some units that were not against me to take. I finished my volunteer work packed up, and left", — Ivan Tarn.

The Ukrainian Review appeared as a response to the information threat that intensified with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The purpose of the media is to disavow Russian fakes that appear in the world media and spread important information for the world and Ukraine, which concerns the current situation in or around Ukraine.

Ivan Tarn is sure that the information front is also very important. Every day, it is necessary to explain more and more to any reader, including in the USA, that aid to Ukraine is not a wishful thinking of individual politicians, but an investment in the security of the countries of Europe, the USA, and, in fact, the entire Western world.

It is important to emphasize that this is the first case when a former military man joined an English-language Ukrainian media and became its ambassador of the Ukrainian Review. Ivan plans to make a regular program with a digest of news in Ukraine in English, which he will combine with analytical activities.

The team of journalists and analysts of the publication has done a lot of work in recent months, among the achievements is the publication of two printed publications with articles, aimed at an English-speaking audience outside of Ukraine.

Current ambassadors of The Ukrainian Review include Lithuanian lawyer and expert Dovidas Vitkauskas and Danish journalist Per Nyholm.

One of the latest studies regarding the situation in the media sphere of Ukraine singles out two important issues: Ukrainian speakers, experts, and organizations communicate poorly on Twitter, the most important social network for Western journalists; There is a lack of information on Ukraine in foreign languages, or at least in English. That is why the Ukrainian Review was created in the English version and is developing its communication in X (former Twitter).